Intellica’s CEO Brendan Doherty and Senior Project Manager Jenny Clements represented Intellica and had a great time exhibiting, networking, and attending workshops with LGPS colleagues.
It was interesting, but not unsurprising, to see the complications that LGPS is facing. As funds prepare for the Pensions Dashboard, McCloud and look for ways to enhance automation, all successful solutions point towards data quality.
Brendan and Jenny were able to discuss and demonstrate some of the successful work we have done to date with our LGPS clients, by combining technology and dynamic reporting dashboards with our team’s experience in cleansing data.
Intellica’s proprietary data software suite, Constellation, has helped LGPS clients understand their data quality in-depth and facilitated a journey to obtain the highest quality of data achievable. It provides efficient and cost-effective data project functionality with specific dashboards aligned to your data strategy – which can include de-risking, automation, Pensions Dashboard readiness and McCloud.
We will be attending next year’s conference and look forward to seeing the progress made with the scheme’s data accuracy.